Hi! I'm Pradeep. e-mail: pdeepsingh094@gmail.com
I'm passionate about data and science. I enjoy working on complex problems that requires me to distill technical research in related areas
and adapt it to the problem at hand. My area of interest lies at the intersection of Machine Learning and Data Science in general and
Deep Learning for Computer Vision/ NLP in specific.
I'm in my greatest element when working with any kind of visual data. In the past, my work has involved using data of multiple modalities -
visual, (un) structured mesh, text - all of which are both exciting and challenging to work with. In my free time, I like reading and writing
on Quora, cooking and hiking.
I completed my Masters in Computational Data Science at San Diego State University, supervised by
Patrick Shoemaker. My thesis investigated
neural mechanism(s) for target (object) tracking in Insect Visual System. In past, I did my undergraduate at University of Mumbai
and have spent time at Dassault Systèmes, Raman Research Institute and
HERE Technologies.
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Deep Learning Intern @ Dassault Systemes
Accelrating CFD Simulations using Machine (Deep) Learning
Developed a novel machine learning framework (SRCFD) for accelerating CFD simulations by
super-resolving coarse resolution simulation into fine resolution simulation using (graph) convolutional
neural network.
Paper /
Neural Mechanism for Target (Object) Tracking in Insect Visual System
MS Thesis: Models for Propagating Facilitation in the Insect Visual System.
Flying insect species like dragonflies are capable of predicting the path or location of their target even if
the target has occluded by some object for some period of time. This ability to predict the path is
supported by a processing mechanism which is called response facilitation. I'm working on modeling this
processing mechanism: response facilitation in small-target- sensitive visual neurons in dragonflies.
/ Thesis
/ Poster
/ Slides
Image Classification using CNN
Built and trained 5 different Convolutional Neural Networks using Keras and TensorFlow to classify
70,000 fashion images into 10 labels. Achieved accuracy of 95% with VGG model + batch normalization.
Project Report /
Code /
Slides /
Neural Machine Translation
Built a end-to-end machine translation pipeline using recurrent neural network which takes English text &
return it's French translation. Experimented with various models: simple RNN, RNN with Embedding,
Bidirectional RNN, Encoder-Decoder RNN & achieved accuracy of 98%.
Project Report
From Autoencoder to beta-Autoeencoder: A Survey
Autocoders are a family of neural network models that aims to learn compressed latent representation of
high-dimensional data. In this project, I study, review and implement autoencoders in various forms:
basic autoencoder, denoising, sparse, and contractive autoencoders, and then Variational Autoencoder (VAE)
and its modification beta-VAE. The goal of this project is to study and understand how autoencoders
(and it's variants) work.
Project Report /
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Few Shot Learning for Image Recognition
Implemented SOTA Few-shot learning models like, Siamese neural network, Matching Networks and Prototypical Networks in TensorFlow.
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Image Super Resolution
Implemented SOTA Image super-resolution research papers – SRCNN, FSRCNN, ESPCN, SRGAN, EDSR and WDSR in TensorFlow.
Explored approaches like adversial training, sub-pixel convolution.
Bayesian Optimization for Machine Learning
This project explores Bayesian optimization techniques for hyperparameter tuning in machine learning algorithms
and compare it with different methods like: manual search, grid search, random search. Goal of this project was twofold:
1) To study how bayesian optimization can be used in hyperparameter tuning in order to improve the current methods, and
2) Comprehensive analysis of hyperparameter optimization algorithms in Machine Learning.
Abstract /
Project Report /
Code /
Parallelizing Deep Neural Network using MPI and GPU Computing
Implemented a sequential and parallel neural network model using data based parallelism in Python using
MPI and GPU computing. Achieved 50% speedup in the training time.
Project Report /
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Churn Prediction using Machine Learning (PySpark and Scikit-learn)
Predicting Customer churn rate on Telco Customer churn dataset, taken from kaggale. We'll take a look at
what types of customer data we have, do some preliminary analysis, and develop churn prediction models
- all with Python/PySpark and different machine learning frameworks, like, ML Package and Scikit-learn.
Code /
Sentiment Analysis
Built an end-to-end sentiment classification system using Recurrent neural network and Naive Bayes
classifier to classify the sentiment of 50,000 movie reviews in IMDb dataset.
Code /
Some random stuff that I feel you might like,
"If we want machines to think, we need to teach them to see" ~ Fei-Fei Li
Template borrowed from Jon Barron.